

The Waxed Bat 2012


Sunshine, clear air, cool, elevated vineyards and great winemaking skills give Argentina all the ingredients for world-class wines. As journalist Joanna Simon says, "As a wine country, Argentina has everything going for it" (The Sunday Times). The Waxed Bat is the masterpiece of our good friend Opi Sadler, winner of two international Trophies to date.









Product Code #808102


J Opi Malbec 2012


Malbec has reached startling heights of quality in Argentina,” says top critic Robert Parker – and this beauty is from Opi Sadler, perhaps THE greatest winemaker in the country. We’ve worked with Opi for almost a decade and the quality of his wines made exclusively for us is down to his organic vineyards and hand-picked fruit that benefits from long sunshine hours at a high altitude.








Product Code #808103